1.Please click "新規会員登録 (Register)" at the top of the site.
2.You will be directed to a page where you will be asked to enter your e-mail address.
「ログインID (Login ID)」:
Your e-mail address will function as your Login ID for the Tower Records online store. Please enter a valid e-mail address and click“送信 (Send)”
3.An e-mail containing a URL will be sent from no-reply@towerrecords.co.jp to your registered e-mail address. In the e-mail you will find a URL beginning with "https://tower.jp/ec/Customer/SignUp~ ". Click on this and you will be redirected to the screen where you can set your password.
Password (パスワード):
Please enter the password you wish to use when using TOWER RECORDS ONLINE. Please use regular single-byte alphanumeric characters. Enter at least 6 characters.
「パスワード(再入力) (Password (re-enter))」:
Please enter your password again.
4.In the“Basic information (基本情報) field, please copy and paste your Tenso address from Tenso.com.
①氏名 (Name):Please enter your name. “氏” is your surname, and “名” is your given name.
②Furigana (フリガナ):To enter your name in Japanese Katakana, please use the following tool:
(English only)
③性別 (Gender):For males, select“男” for females, select“女”
④生年月日 (Date of Birth):Please enter numbers.“年”is the year,“月”is the month, and“日”is the day.
⑤When all the information is entered, please click“確認 (Confirm)”
5.You will be redirected to the confirmation screen, where you must click on “登録 (Register)” to complete your registration.
After your registration is complete you will receive a “ご登録受付確認 (Confirmation of registration)” e-mail, so be sure to check your registered email address.
※Order confirmation and replies to queries will be sent from other e-mail addresses, so be sure to add“@towerrecords.co.jp”and“@tower.co.jp”to your safe senders list.