1.Select a shipping option
When you order multiple items in the same session, you can either ship the items in bulk, or as they become available.
①「一括配送」(Bulk delivery):Order will be shipped when all items are ready.
※Some products listed as “特典付 (with bonus items),” when pre-ordered more than a month in advance, may not come with the bonus item(s).
②「順次配送」(Deliver items as they become available):Items will be shipped separately as they become available.
2.Select the recipient’s address
Log in to Tenso.com, and confirm the Tenso address on your user page.Confirm the delivery address
①住所名:その他 (Other) - "転送コム (Tenso.com)"
⑤町村番地:「千住曙町424 TS××××××転送コム」
(Enter your Tenso.com membership number in place of ×)
⑦受取人名:Please enter the name of the person placing the order.
⑧フリガナ:Please enter the name (in Kana) of the person placing the order.
3.In "配送時間指定 (Specify delivery time)" select "指定しない (not specified)."